Standing triple jump

Overview: Children are shown how to develop an effective sequence of jumps.  Key points to remember are the importance of rhythm and building momentum through the use of dynamic take-offs at each stage. STJ starts with a single leg take-off.

Pupils should already be aware of their favoured leg (from the high jump exercises).

  1. Developing the hop- Children are placed in line with their favoured leg on the floor and the smallest saq hurdle or similar stick approximately 50cm in front for them.  They are told to land on the same leg (hop) raising the knee high to get over the barrier.
  2. Children are then given a sequence of  4 or 5 saq hurdles approx. 50cm apart and told to effectively hop over them.  These can be lengthened to a point which challenges them.
  3. Developing the step- the set up is similar to the hop.  This time pupils are told to land on the opposite foot with an effective landing.
  4. Developing the jump- Start as for the step. This time they are told to go off one foot and land on two feet.
  5. The sequence- learners are set up in a long line and told to stand on one leg and follow the instruction.  On the instruction ‘same’ they land on the take off leg – on ‘opposite’ land on the other leg – on ‘both’ land on both feet.   The speed of the rhythm should be increased and possibly put markers on the ground as targets to challenge the students.

See instructional video below.


Lay four gym mats end to end and mark with tape at 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m and 7m.  Take off is from the floor with toes just touching the mat and heels must be clear of the tape. If a hand or other part of the body touches the mat behind the heels measurement is taken from that point.  Each child has a practice jump and two measured jumps.  Points are awarded for each child’s best jump.  (If the hop, step, jump sequence is incorrectly performed the attempt does not score)

7m or better  5 points

6m or better  4 points

5m or better  3 points

4m or better  2 points

3m or better  1 point